The 3 lb. honey jug is our smallest bulk size honey container and is filled with 3 lbs. of raw, local honey extracted from real beehives. We seal all of our containers to keep the honey fresh and to preserve the great taste of wild, raw honey.
3 lb. honey jugs are great bulk-sized containers that are perfect for families, frequent consumers, or long-term storage.
- Included
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- Shipping
The following items are included with the 3 lb. Honey Jug:
- 3 lbs. of raw, local honey
- One 3 lb. honey jug container
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The 3 lb. honey jug is our smallest bulk size container and is perfect for families, frequent consumers, or long-term storage. The jug contains 3 lbs. (48 oz) of raw, local honey and is sealed to keep the honey fresh.
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