The 30 lb. honey case is our main bulk size honey container. The honey is split between six 5 lb. honey tubs for a total of 30 lbs. of raw, local honey extracted from real beehives. We seal all of our containers to keep the honey fresh and to preserve the great taste of wild, raw honey.
30 lb. honey cases are great bulk-sized containers that are perfect for families, frequent consumers, or long-term storage.
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The following items are included with the 30 lb. Honey Case:
- Six 5 lb. Honey Tubs
- Cardboard box sized for containment
Additional Info
The 30 lb. honey case is a great bulk size honey container. The six 5 lb. tubs it contains are perfect for storage, refilling smaller containers (though you can dip straight from the tubs as well), and are made from a food-grade plastic which can be easily washed out and reused.
30 lbs. is a lot of honey and may be more than some people need, so we also offer a wide range of smaller honey containers. We've done this because it allows you to get the container size that has enough honey for you.
Raw honey has a many health benefits that most people are unaware of. They can be used to treat or alleviate symptoms for many common ailments, increase physical performance, or used in various homemade recipes to give you a healthier day. For a full list of benefits, check out our Honey page.
All honey is eligible for shipping or local pickup. Shipping prices are determined by distance + package weight and dimensions. For accurate shipping prices, please refer to the shipping calculator at the end of the checkout process.
For additional information on shipping and pickups, please Contact Us.
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